Forcing signed domination numbers in graphs


  • S. M. Sheikholeslami Department of Mathematics, Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz, I.R. Iran Author


Forcing signed domination number, signed domination number




We initiate the study of forcing signed domination in graphs. Afunction $f:V(G)\longrightarrow \{-1,+1\}$ is called {ıt signeddominating function} if for each $vın V(G)$, ${ßsize\sum}_{uınN[v]}f(u)\geq 1$. For a signed dominating function $f$ of $G$, the{ıt weight} $f$ is $w(f)={ßsize\sum}_{vın V}f(v)$. The {ıt signeddomination number} $\gamma_s(G)$ is the minimum weight of a signeddominating function on $G$. A signed dominating function of weight$\gamma_s(G)$ is called a $\gamma_s(G)$-{ıt function}. A$\gamma_s(G)$-function $f$ can also be represented by a set ofordered pairs $S_f=\{(v, f(v)): vın V\}$. A subset $T$ of $S_f$ iscalled a {ıt forcing subset\/} of $S_f$ if $S_f$ is the uniqueextension of $T$ to a $\gamma_s(G)$-function. The {ıt forcingsigned domination number} of $S_f$, $f(S_f,{\gamma_s})$, is definedby $f(S_f,{\gamma_s})=\min\{|T|: \mbox{$T$ is a forcing subset of\/ }S_f\}$ and the {ıt forcing signed domination number} of $G$,$f(G,{\gamma_s})$, is defined by$f(G,{\gamma_s})=\min\{f(S_f,{\gamma_s}): S_f \;\;\tx{is a}\;\gamma_s(G)\mbox{-function}\}$. For every graph $G$,$f(G,\gamma_s)\geq 0$. In this paper we show that for integer $a,b$with $a$ positive, there exists a simple connected graph $G$ suchthat $f(G,\gamma_s)=a$ and $\gamma_s(G)=b$. The forcing signeddomination number of several classes of graph, including paths,cycles, Dutch-windmills, wheels, ladders and prisms are determined.


