$\varepsilon$-approximation and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in metric spaces


  • T. D. Narang Department Of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, India Author
  • Sumit Chandok School of Mathematics and Computer Applications, Thapar University, Patiala-147004, India Author


$\varepsilon$-approximation, $\varepsilon$-coapproximation, convex metric space, $G$-convex structure, convex set, starshaped set, nonexpansive map and contraction map


41A50, 41A65, 47H10, 54H25


Using fixed point theory, B. Brosowski [2] proved that if $T$ is a nonexpansive linear operator on anormed linear space $X$, $C$ a $T$-invariant subset of $X$ and $x$ a$T$-invariant point, then the set $P_C(x)$ of best $C$-approximantto $x$ contains a $T$-invariant point if $P_C(x)$ is non-empty,compact and convex. Subsequently, many generalizations of theBrosowski's result have appeared. We also obtain some results oninvariant points of a nonexpansive mapping for the set of$\varepsilon$-approximation in metric spaces thereby generalizingand extending some known results including that of Brosowski, on the subject.

