Application of the infinite matrix theory to the solvability of certain sequence spaces equations with operators
Sequence space, operator of the first difference, BK space, infinite matrix, sequence spaces equations (SSE), (SSE) with operatorsSubjects:
40C05, 46A15Abstract
In this paper we deal with special {ıt sequence spaces equations (SSE)with operators}, which are determined by an identity whose each term is a{ıt sum or a sum of products of sets of the form $\chi_{a}(T)$ and $\chi_{f(x)}(T)$}where $f$ maps $U^{+}$ to itself, and $\chi$ is any of the symbols $s$, $s^{0}$, or $s^{(c)}$. We solve the equation $\chi_{x}(\Delta )=\chi_{b}$ where $\chi$ is any of the symbols $s$, $s^{0}$,or $s^{(c)}$ and determine the solutions of (SSE) with operatorsof the form $(\chi_{a}\ast\chi_{x}+\chi_{b})(\Delta)=\chi_{\eta}$ and $[\chi_{a}\ast(\chi_{x})^{2}+\chi_{b}\ast\chi_{x}](\Delta)=\chi_{\eta}$and $\chi_{a}+\chi_{x}(\Delta)=\chi_{x}$ where $\chi$ isany of the symbols $s$, or $s^{0}$.
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