Fuzzy ideals in Laskerian rings


  • Tariq Shah Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Saeed Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author


Fuzzy ideal, prime fuzzy ideal, primary fuzzy ideal, (strongly) irreducible fuzzy ideal, (strongly) Laskerian ring


13A15, 03E72, 13C12


We introduce strongly primary fuzzy ideals and strongly irreducible fuzzyideals in a unitary commutative ring and fixed their role in a Laskerianring. We established that: A finite intersection of prime fuzzy ideals(resp. primary fuzzy ideals, irreducible fuzzy ideals and stronglyirreducible fuzzy ideals) is a prime fuzzy ideal (resp. primary fuzzy ideal,irreducible fuzzy ideal and strongly irreducible fuzzy ideal). We also findthat, a fuzzy ideal of a ring is prime if and only if it is semiprime andstrongly irreducible. Furthermore we characterize that: (1) Every nonzerofuzzy ideal of a one dimensional Laskerian domain can be uniquely expressedas a product of primary fuzzy ideals with distinct radicals, (2) A unitarycommutative ring is (strongly) Laskerian if and only if its localization is(strongly) Laskerian with respect to every fuzzy ideal.


