Lightlike submanifolds of indefinite para-Sasakian manifolds
Semi-Riemannian manifold, degenerate metric, radical distribution, screen distribution, screen transversal vector bundle, Gauss and Weingarten formulae, totally geodesic and totally umbilical lightlike submanifoldSubjects:
53C15, 53C40, 53C50Abstract
In this paper, we study invariant, slant andscreen slant lightlike submanifolds of indefinite para-Sasakianmanifolds. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions forexistence of slant and screen slant lightlike submanifolds ofindefinite para-Sasakian manifolds and also provide non-trivialexamples of such submanifolds. We obtain integrability conditionsof distributions $D$ and $RadTM$ on screen slant lightlikesubmanifolds of indefinite para-Sasakian manifold. Further weobtain sufficient condition for induced connection on screen slantlightlike submanifolds of indefinite para-Sasakian manifold to bemetric connection.
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