B-Fredholm spectra and Riesz perturbations


  • M. Berkani Department of Mathematics, Science Faculty of Oujda, University Mohammed I, Operator Theory Team, Morocco Author
  • H. Zariouh Centre régional des métiers de l'éducation et de la formation, B.P 458, Oujda, Morocco et Equipe de la Théorie des Opérateurs, Université Mohammed I, Faculté des Sciences d'Oujda, Dépt. de Mathématiques, Morocco Author


B-Fredholm spectrum, Riesz perturbations


47A53, , 47A10, 47A11


Let $T$ be a bounded linear Banach space operator and let $Q$ be aquasinilpotent one commuting with $T$. The main purpose of thepaper is to show that we do not have $\sigma_{*}(T+Q)=\sigma_{*}(T)$where $\sigma_{*}ın\{\sigma_{D},\sigma_{LD}\}$, contrary to whathas been announced in the proof of Lemma 3.5 from M. Amouch,{Polaroid operators with SVEP and perturbations of property (gw)},Mediterr. J. Math. {6} (2009), 461–470, where$\sigma_{D}(T)$ is the Drazin spectrum of $T$ and $\sigma_{LD}(T)$its left Drazin spectrum. However, under the additional hypothesis$\operatorname{iso}\sigma_{ub}(T)=\emptyset$, the mentioned equality holds.Moreover, we study the preservation of various spectra originatingfrom B-Fredholm theory under perturbations by Riesz operators.


