Coarse topologies on the real line
nonmetrizable Baire spaces, metrizable spaces of first categorySubjects:
Let $c=|{\mathbb R}|$ denote the cardinality of the continuum and let $\eta$ denote the Euclidean topology on ${\mathbb R}$.Let ${\mathcal L}$ denote the family of all Hausdorff topologies $\tau$ on ${\mathbb R}$ with $\tau\subset\eta$.Let ${\mathcal L}_1$ resp.~${\mathcal L}_2$ resp.~${\mathcal L}_3$ denote the family of all $\tauın{\mathcal L}$ where $({\mathbb R},\tau)$ is{ıt completely normal} resp.~{ıt second countable} resp.~{ıt not regular}. Trivially, ${\mathcal L}_1\cap{\mathcal L}_3=\emptyset$ and$|{\mathcal L}_i|\leq|{\mathcal L}|\leq 2^c$ and $|{\mathcal L}_2|\leq c$. For $\tauın{\mathcal L}$ the space $({\mathbb R},\tau)$ is metrizableif and only if $\tauın{\mathcal L}_1\cap{\mathcal L}_2$. We show that, up to homeomorphism, both ${\mathcal L}_1$ and ${\mathcal L}_3$ contain precisely $2^c$topologies and ${\mathcal L}_2$ contains precisely $c$ completely metrizable topologies. For $2^c$ non-homeomorphictopologies $\tauın{\mathcal L}_1$ the space $({\mathbb R},\tau)$ is {ıt Baire}, but there are also $2^c$ non-homeomorphic topologies$\tauın{\mathcal L}_1$ and $c$ non-homeomorphic topologies $\tauın{\mathcal L}_1\cap{\mathcal L}_2$ where $({\mathbb R},\tau)$ is of {ıt first category}.Furthermore, we investigate the {ıt complete lattice} ${\mathcal L}_0$ of all topologies $\tauın{\mathcal L}$ such that $\tau$ and $\eta$coincide on ${\mathbb R}\setminus\{0\}$. In the lattice ${\mathcal L}_0$ we find $2^c$ (non-homeomorphic) immediate predecessors of the maximum $\eta$,whereas the minimum of ${\mathcal L}_0$ is a compact topology without immediate successors in ${\mathcal L}_0$. We construct chains of homeomorphic topologiesin ${\mathcal L}_0\cap{\mathcal L}_1\cap{\mathcal L}_2$ and in ${\mathcal L}_0\cap{\mathcal L}_2\cap{\mathcal L}_3$ and in ${\mathcal L}_0\cap({\mathcal L}_1\setminus{\mathcal L}_2)$ and in ${\mathcal L}_0\cap({\mathcal L}_3\setminus{\mathcal L}_2)$ such that the length of each chain is $c$ (and hence maximal). We also track down a chain in ${\mathcal L}_0$ of length $2^\lambda$ where $\lambda$ is the smallest cardinal number $\kappa$ with $2^\kappa>c$.
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