Fixed point results for $(\varphi,\psi)$-contractions in metric spaces endowed with a graph and applications
Fixed point, connected graph, Picard operator, $(\varphi, \psi)$-type contractionSubjects:
47H10, 05C40, 54H25Abstract
In the present work, we introduce the concepts of$(G,\varphi,\psi)$-contraction and $(G,\varphi,\psi)$-graphiccontraction defined on metric spaces endowed with a graph $G$ andwe show that these two types of contractions generalize a largenumber of contractions. Subsequently, we investigate variousresults which assure the existence and uniqueness of fixed pointsfor such mappings. According to the applications of our mainresults, we further obtain a fixed point theorem for cyclicoperators and an existence theorem for the solution of a nonlinearintegral equation. Moreover, some illustrative examples areprovided to demonstrate our obtained results.
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