SPACES OF $\boldsymbol{u}\boldsymbol\tau$-DUNFORD-PETTIS AND $\boldsymbol{u}\boldsymbol\tau$-COMPACT OPERATORS ON LOCALLY SOLID VECTOR LATTICES


  • N. Erkursun-Ozcan Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Author
  • N. A. Gezer Department of Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Author
  • O. Zabeti Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran Author


$u\tau$-convergence, $u\tau$-Dunford-Pettis operator, $u\tau$-compact operator, locally solid vector lattice


46A40, 54A20, 46B40, 46A03


Suppose $X$ is a locally solid vector lattice. It is known that there are several non-equivalent spaces of bounded operators on $X$. In this paper, we consider some situations under which these classes of bounded operators form locally solid vector lattices. In addition, we generalize some notions of $uaw$-Dunford-Pettis operators and $uaw$-compact operators defined on a Banach lattice to general theme of locally solid vector lattices. With the aid of appropriate topologies, we investigate some relations between topological and lattice structures of these operators. In particular, we characterize those spaces for which these concepts of operators and the corresponding classes of bounded ones coincide.


